About Project.
The project consist of the development of a new offshore LNG unloading terminal.
We have been carrying out due diligence activities pertaining to the project on behalf of an investors buying industrial and financial interests.

Technical Features.
The project consists of the construction of a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FRSU), located some 12 miles from the Tuscany shore.
The terminal is made of a LNG carrier ship adequately transformed and an gas pipeline connecting the FRSU with the national transport network.
The storage capacity is around 130,000 cm and the authorized regasification capacity is of some 3.76 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. Actual capacity is some 45% higher.
A nitrogen unit on board of the vessel enables to treat natural gas of different qualities and deliver natural gas in accordance with the national code (Wobbe index between 11,330 and 12,500 kCal/Scm).
The storage tank are adequately designed in order to prevent sloshing effects (evaporation of LNG due to shaking of the liquid mass).

Distinctive Elements.
The construction new LNG regasification terminals has been encouraged by the Italian government, in order to encourage sourcing of natural gas for the national market from new suppliers.
The regasification service is granted minimum tariffs that cover depreciation, operating costs and the remuneration of the net invested capital.