BEN performs project management and control activities on behalf of its customers for a variety of projects in the energy, environment, industry and infrastructure sector.
Project management is a discipline that enables to effectively handle all the activities of a complex initiative that requires the contribution of numerous players such as internal staff, professional consultants, engineers, suppliers, vendors, contractors and other service providers.
A project is a temporary initiative designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end, that is usually time-constrained and budget-constrained.
The key goal of project management is to complete the project in time and within the defined budget.
In order to achieve such essential goal is often necessary to analyse the scope of work and break it down into manageable objects, that can be further broken down in deliverables, activities and tasks for each work discipline, whose “weight”, cost and time of execution can be measured and controlled.
Therefore, project planning should rely on a meaningful work breakdown structure (WBS) and on clearly defined intermediate milestones.

Planning and control
Planning should be made with the critical path method (CPM), that is a project modelling technique that focuses on the identification of those activities that determine the time of completion of the project, and whose delay would result in a project delay. This technique is used in connection with the project evaluation and review technique (PERT).
The project costs need to be estimated in detail so that cost control can be executed in parallel with progress control, thus measuring the overall project progress and identifying cost over-runs, if any and any other critical elements that need to be timely corrected.